Monday, April 29, 2024

The 'Little House' Episode "Sylvia" Is Straight Out Of The '80s Slasher Horror Craze

little house on the prairie sylvia

Hector eventually learns of their involvement and that Sylvia has lied to him when she claimed that her lateness was because she was helping Laura grade papers, and forbids Sylvia from seeing Albert. Moreover, she is now to come straight home from school, as he has purchased a new piece of land and Sylvia must help with the clearing. But yes, I died… Now there's all this fan fiction, people writing about me and Albert getting married and having kids and all that stuff. Little House on the Prairie was never afraid to bring the trauma. Sylvia Webb was a 15-year-old girl who was raped and died from injuries sustained in a fall from a ladder.


Albert is forced to admit he wants the money so he and Sylvia can get married. After getting more details about their plans and, more significantly, Sylvia's whereabouts, Irv lets him have $80 and tells him to go home to get his things. When he returns, he'll have two horses saddled and ready to go. The next morning, Charles, Albert and Mr. Webb form a search party to look for Sylvia.

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He hires his friend Harv Miller to assist him with his crop and help take care of Eliza Jane's house. Eliza Jane develops a quick fondness for Harv, but the feelings might not be mutual. Meanwhile, Laura is offered a teaching job at a faraway school, and Nellie gets a surprise that leaves her mother speechless.

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I blew them away on the audition because I brought a piano player with me, and we did a really beautiful Elton John song. I think it was "We All Fall in Love Sometimes," and I read a very dramatic scene. They loved me, but they said to my agent, "She's just too quirky." Then I get a call, like, a month later or something, and they said they decided to write me in the show. Despite Hector Webb's regimented control and distrust of his daughter, Albert and Sylvia have become secretly romantically involved. Albert even wished to care for Sylvia as well as her child and to raise the baby as his own. To arrange to see Albert without arousing her father's suspicions, Sylvia tells her father that she is staying after school to assist Laura Ingalls Wilder in grading papers.

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Who Played Sylvia On Little House On The Prairie's Darkest Episode? - Looper

Who Played Sylvia On Little House On The Prairie's Darkest Episode?.

Posted: Sat, 07 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Hector arrives to bring his daughter home, and claims that Sylvia's bruises are the result of a fall. Dr. Baker is skeptical, pointing out that the bruises are not consistent with a fall, Hector refuses to discuss the matter further and abruptly leaves with Sylvia. Sign up for Entertainment Weekly's free daily newsletterto get breaking TV news, exclusive first looks, recaps, reviews, interviews with your favorite stars, and more. Little House had some dark episodes before, but this was next level.

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While looking through Sylvia's window, the boys are spotted by Sylvia's father Hector Webb. The boys all escape, except for Albert, who apologizes and promises Mr. Webb that he did not see a thing. I remember we were watching it [when] it was on TV, and my best friend Margaret called me crying at the end. I was like, "Wow. This is so crazy." I thought the episode was good. A couple other friends called, and they were really freaked out, so I knew I did a good job.

Oleson vs. Oleson

She’s stalked and ultimately raped by an assailant dressed as a mime. Though Little House doesn’t show the attack in graphic detail, it’s able to terrify the audience – and inspire some nightmares – through selective imagery. Not only was "Sylvia" a hit with Little House viewers — part 2, which aired on Feb. 16, was the third most-watched show of the week — it marked a major career milestone for Barash. The actress was ready to prove she could handle drama — and it doesn't get more dramatic than "Sylvia."

Most people wanted to see Melissa Gilbert, who played Laura; Karen Grassle who played Ma/Caroline Ingalls; or Alison Arngrim who played Nellie Oleson. Some cast members have appeared at smaller tributes, but this was the first time most of them were together. These were not casual fans, but those with custom shirts ("In a world of Nellies, be a Laura") and wore bonnets and calico dresses. They carried books, posters, vintage lunch boxes and aprons to get autographed. A devastating tornado hits Walnut Grove, destroying the Ingalls’ crops and farm. Animals are killed, and the house and barn are severely damaged.

'Little House On The Prairie' 8 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know - Remind Magazine

'Little House On The Prairie' 8 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know.

Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:05:30 GMT [source]

When Albert finds out Sylvia is pregnant, he thinks she has doesn’t love him. Later, he learns the truth about her pregnancy and vows to take care of her and her baby despite her father who has become very protective and suspecting. Despite this, her father accuses her of enticing the boys and orders her to wrap herself more tightly under her clothes to conceal her budding breasts. The episode sees Todd Bridges of future Diff’rent Strokes fame guest star as Solomon Henry, an 11-year-old who is the first member of the family not born into slavery. Solomon tells his mother he wants to learn to read and write and go to school, which his mother (Maidie Norman) and brother (David Downing) explain isn’t realistic.

While two episodes treat the characters of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Sylvia respectively as adult and child, the two actresses (Melissa Gilbert and Olivia Barash) are actually less than nine months apart in age. The series does not follow up on the characters Hector Webb or Irv Hartwig. Likewise, Mr. Webb's fate is unknown, although he either left town or – as the the Little House Encyclopedia suggested, due to overwhelming grief – committed suicide. Back at the blacksmith's shop, Albert begins writing an IOU to Irv when he is not there. Irv walks in and, seeing the money in his hand, accuses Albert of stealing.

Sylvia drinks some water and appears to feel somewhat better, but suddenly collapses in the classroom. Laura and Albert take her to Doc Baker, who discovers that, in addition to exhaustion, Sylvia is pregnant. He then begins to ask Albert if he and Sylvia ever had sexual relations. Before the question is completed, Albert vehemently denies this, then leaves, visibly upset over Sylvia's apparent betrayal.

The two resolve to run away together, and Albert leaves to make the arrangements. Albert is then caught stealing money from his employer, the local blacksmith, Irv Hartwig. As he pleads with Hartwig for his assistance in carrying out their plans, he discloses Sylvia's whereabouts to him. David Friedman, 53, played Jason Carter, and stopped acting after childhood. As part of the 50th anniversary, there are dozens of events across the country, including Arngrim's one woman show, "Confessions of a Prairie Bitch."

Comedian Ray Ellin remembers watching Little House on the Prairie from an early age and being captivated by the Ingalls family adventures in Walnut Grove. His love of the American western drama only grew stronger as a teenager into adulthood when the series landed in syndication. Adam is thrilled to officially be a lawyer, but he is unable to find a job.

Everyone is thrilled for him, but Mary becomes concerned when he decides to abandon his teaching career and pursue another lifelong dream. Meanwhile, Harriet is determined to lose a few pounds after her son-law makes some negative comments about her weight. Albert’s love, Sylvia, is troubled when her father has become cold and distant because he thinks she has shamed him. Seeing her unhappiness at home, he promises run away with her. When Albert goes into town for supplies, he unknowingly reveals her location to the rapist who then goes after her.

little house on the prairie sylvia

The next day at school, Sylvia appears to experience a flashback of her traumatic experience of the day before, and begins screaming and striking several of the boys, including Willie. Laura intervenes and brings Sylvia to see Doctor Baker, who notes that Sylvia has bruises all over her body. Albert, Willie and some of the boys from their class are perusing a catalog looking for illustrations of women's undergarments. Dissatisfied with mere drawings, one of the boys suggests they go spy on another student, Sylvia Webb, a 15-year old classmate who has physically matured faster than the other girls in their class.

The rapist is stopped but not before Sylvia is fatally injured. He begins to chase Sylvia up a rickety ladder, which she climbs to try to escape. Albert races in and attacks Irv, but is quickly beaten back.

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